The rules for temporary employment in Norway
Sometimes a company needs temporary employees. This could be in situations where the regular staff is on vacation, or to cope with an increased number of ...
7 FAQ's about VAT for foreign companies operating in Norway
Foreign businesses that direct their operations towards the Norwegian market will at some point face Norwegian VAT regulations and must know how to deal with ...
Workforce reductions in Norway: Be aware of the employee rights!
Historically, the unions and employees in Norway have a strong position. This is particularly evident in the strict procedures that must be followed, and in ...
Norwegian holiday regulations to be aware of before year-end
The Norwegian holiday regulations can be confusing. How do you handle an employee's unused vacation days at the end of the year? The Norwegian Holidays Act ...
Necessary company documents when doing business in Norway
In this blog we present an overview of the most important company documents when doing business in Norway, and why these are important to have in place in a ...
ID cards for construction and building sites in Norway: How to apply
Most foreign companies with assignments at Norwegian building or construction sites need specific ID cards for their employees. The ID card must be carried ...
Employee rights in Norway
Did you know that foreign employees posted to Norway are subject to certain important parts of the Norwegian working environment Act? Find out how your company ...
Pre-registration for VAT in Norway in order to deduct VAT
Navigating the complexities of business registration in Norway’s VAT system can be daunting, especially when faced with the delay in accessing crucial tax ...
How to establish a limited liability company in Norway?
Interested in setting up a private limited liability company (LLC) in Norway? For foreign companies considering this, there may be several challenges. Firstly, ...
Residence permit in Norway
Is it necessary with a residence permit to start work in Norway?
How to choose the right corporate structure in Norway
Foreign multinationals that wish to expand their activities to Norway must consider which kind of legal entity and corporate structure they should use. The ...
Protect your trademark when doing business in Norway
A well-known trademark is usually a result of considerable investment in time and resources and may represent significant value for your company. When ...