Norway is not a member of the European Union (EU). However, Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that transactions of goods across Norwegian borders and to or from the EU will be regarded as import or export supplies. As Norwegian tax authorities have stringent documentation requirements, this creates a few challenges regarding value-added tax (VAT) and customs handling that you need to know before entering into an agreement with a company established in Norway. In this blog, we'll look specifically at the VAT and customs rules concerning import to Norway.
It is crucial to determine whether the delivery will be a sale to Norway, or in Norway.
A sale to Norway is regarded as an export sale from abroad and should not trigger any particular liabilities regarding VAT for the foreign seller. The importer of the goods is responsible for clearing the goods through Customs and paying the VAT on the value of the goods. When the Norwegian buyer is the importer, the sale should not trigger any obligations for the foreign seller to register for VAT and pay VAT or tax in Norway.
Note that new rules were introduced in 2020 for selling low-value goods to consumers. From 1 April, sellers and online marketplaces will need to calculate and collect VAT on the sale of goods with a value below NOK 3 000.
Read further here: VAT on e-commerce (VOEC) in Norway
Foreign enterprises should be aware that contracts with elements of assembly or installation often impact the VAT handling of the goods. A typical example would be a delivery of goods to Norway, where the customer is the importer of record. Still, the seller will physically assemble or install the products on-site. In this case, the assembly/installation services and the goods would normally be VAT-liable for domestic transactions in Norway.
In Norway, the sale of goods and services is regarded as a sale. For foreign businesses, this triggers both registration and reporting responsibilities in Norway. In theory, this could be avoided by splitting the contracts into separate deliveries: one for delivery of goods and one for assembly or installation. However, this is rather unpractical and often commercially undesirable.
Please also note that these services will also be VAT liable in Norway for contracts containing elements such as maintenance and upgrades as a follow-up obligation.
An important exemption is services capable of remote delivery. This could be auxiliary services such as installation, and software test runs in connection with the delivery of the goods. If these services could have been delivered remotely, e.g. from the seller’s offices outside Norway, the seller is normally not obligated to register for VAT.
Also read: Should your business register for VAT in Norway?
A sale in Norway will trigger an obligation to register for VAT if the turnover exceeds NOK 50,000 over a 12-month period.
A sale usually occurs in Norway if the goods are delivered to the buyer’s premises. Please note that whoever is declared as the recipient upon importing goods will be the customs debtor. This applies regardless of who actually owns or will receive the goods. The information on invoices and other supporting documentation is of no legal significance.
If the sale will be regarded as a domestic transaction, the correct entity must be stated as the importer of record. This ensures that the formal requirements to deduct the import VAT levied on the value of the goods are in place.
Also read: 6 tips for businesses: How to get a VAT refund in Norway
Secondly, being the importer of records also means being responsible for calculating customs values.
The customs value is the amount paid or payable for goods abroad, including the cost of their transportation to Norway, insurance, packaging costs, and similar.
Royalties and agent commissions should be added to the customs value.
price of goods
+ insurance (where applicable)
+ cost of packaging and the like
+ fees, royalties and commission (where applicable)
+ shipping costs
= customs value
Please note that we stress the importance of planning for a potential delivery of goods to Norway. Due to the stringent documentation requirements from the tax authorities, we have seen numerous examples of businesses losing VAT deductions because goods have been cleared through customs on the wrong entity or there is missing documentation of sales in Norway.
If you are unsure how to handle VAT and customs when importing goods to Norway, do not hesitate to contact us for expert advice.
Article first published July 2019, updated January 2023.