"Lønnsoppgjør" (wage settlement) refers to collective wage negotiations at the national level. This entails negotiations where collective agreements are renegotiated regarding both salary increases and changes to other provisions in the collective agreement. Furthermore, during April, there have been several agreements reached in the wage settlement for 2024 in Norway. How does this affect the minimum wage for your employees and your business?
These are the most important changes so far
The following summary outlines the main changes and agreements reached in the wage settlement for 2024 thus far. Please note that negotiations are still ongoing. The changes apply to all members of trade unions or employees working in companies bound by the collective agreement.
Parat and NHO Hospitality, as well as Fellesforbundet and NHO Hospitality has agreed the following:
- General increase of 7 kroner per hour.
- Minimum wage for employees with 2 years of experience increases to 8 kroner per hour, while those with 4 years of industry experience will receive 10.50 kroner per hour.
- Supplements for work on evenings, weekends, and nights increase by 10%. For security personnel working at night, the supplement increases to 13 kroner.
- Real local salary negotiations will be conducted.
NHO Construction Industry and Fellesforbundet:
- General increase of 7 kroner per hour.
- Minimum wage rates increase by 9 kroner per hour.
- Skilled workers and shift workers receive an additional supplement of 1 kroner per hour.
Norwegian Industry and Fellesforbundet:
The parties agreed on a framework of a 5.2% wage increase.
What happens to the minimum wage of my employees now?
Once the negotiations are completed, the changes must be finally approved. Subsequently, the regulations regarding minimum wage in sectors such as construction, shipbuilding and maritime industries, and road freight transport will be amended in line with the new rates. If your company is bound by these universally applicable collective agreements, the minimum wage rates must be adjusted when the regulations are finally approved.
Unsure if this applies to your business?
Our lawyers have extensive experience in assisting companies with questions and guidance within labor law. If you desire advice or are uncertain whether these changes apply to your business, you are welcome to contact us for a discussion.